Bb Ki vines - Estimated earning.

BB Ki Vines -

Subscribers - 6.66 Million

Estimated Monthly Income - $13900 - $222000( 1cr in Indian rupees)

Genre - Comedy

Type - Normal Length Videos (6-9 mins.), Vines

This the the channel everyone in india is hyper-crazed for. Most talked about channel in India, BB Ki vines sits at the top of our list.

One thing to notice is that the estimated monthly incomes are not always exactly accurate. Many people may use ad-blockers which prevents ads and disrupts the earnings of youtubers and believe me, number of ad-block users are very high. So, as we are uncertain about number of people who use ad-blockers, we cannot accurately say how much they earn but the figures I have stated are closest to what can be predicted given the points I gave above. Also number of sponsors, change in CPC rate, etc makes their earning almost unpredictable. The earnings I gave will be true if CPC remains constant, no sponsor is taken in account and number of Ad-block users slump to zero, which is near to impossible.

Still, by the help of these figures, we can compare channels and also have an idea about how much they make which must be near-where the figures I stated.
